
I created a resource to help faculty select free tools from around the web that they can embed in their course site to enhance online and classroom learning.

Let's face it, Learning Management Systems (LMS's) don't, and probably shouldn't, provide all of the tools faculty can use to engage students. There are so many online tools that faculty and students can use for creating amazing online content, working on group projects, and studying. Where to begin? How do you know which tool is most reliable and easiest to use?

I used these guiding questions as I designed the Gadget Finder using a combination of HTML/CSS/JS and an Airtable database. I enlisted the help of my instructional design and technologist colleagues to help maintain the gadgets listed in the finder. Collectively we ask the following questions of each gadget in order to decide whether or not it should be included:

Is the gadget free, or does the free plan offer adequate functionality?

Is the gadget easy to use? Could faculty and students use it without attending a training session?

Does the gadget provide functionality that our LMS doesn't offer?
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Design for Learning

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