
I created a self-service ePortfolio creation engine using WordPress that provides students website templates to reflect on their progress toward program learning outcomes.

I have worked on ePortfolio initiatives at the University of Iowa and Seattle University. The ifolio initiative at the University of Iowa is a custom, home-grown system built and supported an application developer. The Seattle University initiative didn't have the luxury of professional coders. However, both projects focus on how ePortfolios enhance learning by emphasizing the process of metacognitive reflection. This is a process that students undertake throughout the course of their study, as they refine and clarify for themselves their interests and strengths.

The images above are taken from Wordpress templates designed by my Seattle U colleague Jayme Jacobson and provided to students through a self-service portal that I created based on Jayme's mockups using the Wordpress Multisite, hosted on Reclaim Hosting with the NS-Cloner-Pro plugin.

I was fortunate to present the work I did at Seattle U with my colleague, and AAEEBL founding member, Jayme Jacobson at the AAEEBL/CRA conference in beautiful Edingburgh, Scotland. Our presentation was titled Assessing ePortfolios in the Wild. We presented our work using Weebly and Qualtrics for ePortfolio creation and assessment. The "Future Development" section of our presentation hinted at using Reclaim Hosting and Wordpress, and that's exactly what we did.

In addition, here is a video that I shot and produced as part of my work on ePortfolios at The University of Iowa.

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